Carlos & Liz Cañete

Carlos Cañete is a church planter based out of Córdoba, Argentina. Working with his local church, he helps launch new churches both within the city of Córdoba as well as in various rural towns spread throughout the province. He is also involved with a project in the town of Cachi, which is located in the north of Argentina within the province of Salta. Over the past few years a church has been established in Cachi, but there are more than 30 small towns without a church in the area. Carlos’ vision is to help form a multi-national missionary school in Cachi, where students can carry out practical missionary experiences. Carlos and his wife, Liz, have a daughter, Costanza, and a son, Sebastian, who passed away at the age of 6 with leukemia..


If you would like to support Carlos & Liz Cañete’s ministry with ARM Ministries please click here.